Instant Identity
Shayla Thiel Stern
Not Available
Queer Girls and Popular Culture
Susan Driver
'Girl Power'
Dawn Currie and 2 more
"We Are the Mods"
Christine Jacqueline Feldman
Mediated Identities
Divya C McMillin
Pop Brands
Nicholas Carah
Mediated Boyhoods
Annette Wannamaker
Girls, Cultural Productions, and Resistance
Michelle S Bae and 1 more
Adolescent Fans
Pilar Lacasa
International Perspectives on Youth Media
JoEllen Fisherkeller
Bitten by Twilight
Sharon R Mazzarella
Growing Up With Girl Power
Rebecca Hains
Youth Media Imaginaries from Around the World
Sanjay Asthana
Princess Cultures
Miriam FormanBrunell
Dolls Studies
Tweening the Girl
Natalie Coulter
Tween Girls and their Mediated Friends
Nancy A Jennings
Lost Histories of Youth Culture
Christine FeldmanBarrett
Girls’ Sexualities and the Media
Kate Harper
Scripting Adolescent Romance
Stacey JT Hust and 1 more
SpringSerenity Duvall and 1 more
Mediated Girlhoods
The Mediated Youth Reader
Celebrity and Youth
SpringSerenity Duvall
Maiden USA
Kathleen M Sweeney
The Culture of Mean
Emily D Ryalls
KakaoTalk and Facebook
Jiwoo Park and 1 more
Children and Media Worldwide in a Time of a Pandemic
Histories of Children's Television Around the World
Yuval Gozansky
Histories of Children’s Television Around the World
Black Girlhood Celebration
Ruth Nicole Brown